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Friday, April 28, 2006
You had a bad day You're taking one down You sing a sad song just to turn it around i had a really totally weirded out day and now i feel.. weirded out. okay well. lessons were freaking boring today. um like i was stoning in SS and i'm kinda worried about it cus SS exam is just like 16 days away? or 17. but whatever. and i'm really petrified (my vocab's good eh, listening to the radio really does help one improves english) that i got so low in the open book assignment. >:( so effed, you know like sometimes you write like so much, and the teacher gives you only a freaking 4 marks? at least acknowledge my effort! haha i think i deserve like 2 marks more for writing so much! :( heh okay so. so after that. ran down for recess to eat meepok. hmm aileen's so amazed that i actually ran. ahaha. talking to aileen on the phone now.. we don't know what to do. haha. choir concert's tonight and lavannia has our tickets, and she like stays in JB. hmm thank god we didnt buy the $25 tix, or else i'll be like damn pissed. like so screweddd and shitted! concert's starting in like 2 and a half hours' time. i am going to be so upset if i miss it. argggh. oh so i went with huiting to bus stop as usual and today we saw ____ with her friends who smoke. okay like, i'm not stupid, i know she has friends like that but somehow it's just like really shocking to actually see them. and after that went lunch with sinyee, and we saw ____ with his girlfriend and i'm like... so so so weirded out! i think i'm seriously like quite naive. like i'm the only one with such a .. huge reaction. ahha. pork's cool about it and devi just finds it "freaking funny" she is so weird. (: so anyway we had our napha(spelt like that according to tara hahaha) and i am really sucky in my sit and reach :( yep and went to cheer for the badminton cdiv ytd, and when we reached school we were all so tired and like we were all sleeping in cheng's class. so he was supposed to talk to us about some job thing, but then he went completely off topic like he always does and started talking about horny stuff. he is just so freaking perverted and he's really polluting our minds. but anyway here's what he told us: so germans have like articles(he/she) for every object okay. and like last time they were really full of macho bullshit and the table to them is a he, while a chair is a she because females are of lower class and can be sat on. that's just so bullshit. and this one's really perverted. a socket's a female and a plug's a male. for obvious reasons. hmmm okay that's about all. ciao. xoxoxxoxo Friday, April 21, 2006
You showed me how to face the truthEverything that's good in me I owe to you <3 HULLO(: cheers we're gonna change seats on monday(: actually it's more like change rows yeah. i hate sitting in the corner, it sucks :( so lonely. yeah when i turn to my right i can talk to the spiders on the wall. hahah. hello spider. and no more being in charge of lights and fans:D i won't miss it. hmmm. got back some stupid geog surprise test mark today. haha i got the lowest mark in class. like 2 out of 10. and i know it's solely my fault for not studying earlier but somehow i feel pissed with cheng. okay nevermind. i think 3gr has really.. lousy teachers. except for yogee. i swear life is so miserable at times. i don't know when's the last time i felt truly happy or loved. :( that's like how sad. i'm so sad and depressed now and i don't know why and it sucks. so i survived my dental appointment on thursday:D hur. 2.4 on monday, napfa on thursday, choir concert on friday. Saturday, April 15, 2006
OMG TODAY'S BEEN INCREDIBLE AND UNBELIEVABLE.hahaha went for hollaback finals!!! OMG I'M STILL VERY HIGH. the whole highlight of the show for me was like when click 5 performed, they're just so freaking awesome and they're damn ass good. you know like when some bands or singers perform live they sound like shit, but click 5 sounded damn good and they're so HOTTT okay hhaha. and i dont know why but i just felt like crying when they were performing, especially during the say goodnight song. but omg i couldn't take any photos cus this damn freaking ass person saw me using my camera earlier and she was like no cameras allowed and she went to freaking confiscate it! :( SCREW SCREW SCREW. it's like the most exciting thing that ever happened to me and i can't take a damn photo!!! haha yeah and WE WON! LIKE 30 000 DOLLARS. hahahaha. I'M SO FREAKING HIGH. i couldnt believe it kept screaming and screaming. hahaha. DON AND DREW ARE SO FREAKING ASS FUNNY!!! hahaha they said woodlands sec was so far north it might as well be malaysia hahah so cool. and there was this part where they wore the sc uniform haha so gay. i'll make you a sandwich in the shape of spiderman with real sand and spiders OMG CLICK 5 ROCKS MY SOCKS. baby just say goodnight i'll be gone tomorrow baby just close your eyes i can't take the sorrow baby just walk away you know i can't stay there's no easy way to say goodbye so baby just say goodnight I think we're alone now there doesnt seem to be anyone around i think we're alone now the beating of our hearts is the only sound BUT. NOW I DON'T FEEL LIKE STUDYING NOW. haha i suddenly feel like.. school and studying's such a trivial matter and like what for we mug so hard. like, life's much more than that right? okay haha ignore that CHARLENE YOU SHOULD HAVE COME! IT'S LIKE SO ONCE IN A LIFETIME. HAHA. ACTUALLY NOT REALLY BUT .. YEAH. HAHAHA. xoxoxox Thursday, April 13, 2006
hello(: uhhhm changed my skin.haha oh YEAHHHH I'M GOING HOLLABACK FINALS! hmm got the tickets yesterday after school when camille was giving them out. omg dg and us were rushing down to the amphi at 3.05. hahah thank god sec ones and twos weren't released yet. (: I CAN'T WAIT FOR SATURDAY OMG. Saturday, April 01, 2006
ehehe omg SC MADE IT TO THE HOLLABACK CREW FINALS:D hmmm today was eventful(: like went flag day in the morning. crap it made me so tired :( smart aileen arrived SO EARLY. NOT. she came at like 7.45 but joelyn and jiahui were the earliest man they came at like 8. hurr. haha and we ate lunch at like 10+. after flag day went to meet michelle at city hall and we went raffles place to get my drink and we stayed to watch the G2000 fashion show. haha i get why people don't have to buy tickets to watch it. it's cus it's quite lousy and it lasted for only 15mins. but the models were so pretty:( and the guy models were like quite okay, if they didnt have such awful hair i'd call them cute. hahaa. yeah and then went padang hehe. i thought there'll be like seats but there wasnt. :( damn hot and tiring i was sweating like shit. haha i think street fusion had the best performance they were seriously good. whitley sec was damn g_y one of their teams did this rap about singapore and how they loved it cus there wasnt any tsunami. aha. hehe and yeah we made it to the finals. cool aye. but then you have to win tickets to go:( i really really want to see click 5:( my new favorite band hehe. okay not really favorite but one of my favoritest bands/. mmhmm. okay so that was my day. really cool. haha. okay can i tell you how everyone's april-fooling me. I'M REALLY STUPID. :( or okay i'm just really trusting and i trust my friends too much to believe that they're lying to me. :( but see, stupid devi told me she met shawn lee at suntec city at about 1 and then she was like happy april's fool. JASMINE'S JOKE WAS THE FREAKING WORST!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FELL FOR IT. ARGHHHHH. GUESS WHAT THAT ASS TOLD ME, SHE TOLD ME THAT THERE WAS THIS RELAY THAT THE GEOG TEST WAS BEING FORWARDED TO NEXT WEDNESDAY WHEN IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE 24TH AND I WAS LIKE HOW FREAKED OUT!!! JASMINE YAM WATCH OUT ON MONDAY I'M GOING TO PUSH YOU ON THE ROAD AND WHEN THE CAR KNOCKS YOU DOWN I'LL BE LIKE HAPPY APRIL'S FOOL. haha ohohoh i was so pissed over survivor ytd cus nick went out :( he was like one of the 2 people i liked on the show. and now he's gone. and i bet austin's going out nxt week and when he goes the show'll be all left with people i hate! sheesh i hate the whole casaya tribe like shit. they're like so damn cocky. some people dont even deserve to be there at all, people like danielle and cirie and SHANE. the only reason they're there it's cus they're damn ass lousy and they're so threatless. i really really hope shane goes out next week. and i hope terry won't be so stupid to give his immunity away. and i swear, if austin goes out next week i won't ever watch the show again. ahha i'm boycotting it. okay hahha you know i'm lying. |